Daly, Sean
Lecturer |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3238 |
Daniels-Archie, Sharonn
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Dapi, Jonida
Lecturer |
267-341-3246 |
Darmohray, Katherine
Admissions Support Specialist |
Admissions |
Das, Nimmy
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Das, Tuhin
Dasch-Yee, Kimberly
Professor |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3328 |
Dave, Jaydev
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Davis, Aimee
Lecturer |
267-341-3246 |
Davis, Samantha
Director of Student Success |
Student Life |
267-341-3351 |
Davis, Teena
Instructor |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3374 |
De Jesus, Ana
Lecturer |
267-341-3238 |
Debonis, Anthony
DeCicco, Jennifer
Professor/Dean |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3550 |
Deendyal, Sanjay
Lecturer |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3238 |
Del Collo, Dara
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Dellipriscoli, John
Assistant Professor, Economics |
School of Business & Technology |
Dema, Connie
Admin |
Alpha House |
267-341-3486 |
Denise Vanacore Chase
Vice Dean and Professor |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-4040 |
Denu, Michael
Dern, Charles
Desher, Robyn
Lecturer |
School of Education |
267-341-3246 |
Desiderio, Kelly
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Desrochers, Colleen
Desrochers, Colleen